Happy Bastille day to everyone who is from France or has family from France!
Bonne fête de la Bastille à tous les Français et Française!
Today is the perfect day to be cliché and make some delicious french crêpes for breakfast. They are thin, soft and crispy on the edges with a hint of vanilla and are oh so perfect to be paired with your favourite jam. This recipe will bring you straight back to those french streets where you can pretty much get a crêpes from anywhere since even some street vendors are selling them. And if you are anything like me than you love a good crêpe in the morning that is as thin as possible but packed with flavour.
These crêpes will for sure become on of your favourite french breakfast staple on those days when you want to enjoy a good breakfast in family discussing all together around the table about pretty much anything. It’s also the perfect recipe to make with your kids and have some family fun in the kitchen all together.

* If you make it I would love to see your work! Just tag me (@the.healthystove) on your recreation pictures on instagram and I would be happy to share your work on my stories.